
Fohllie is a converted grey gelert, her design belongs to Neopets. 

 Lockednloaded21 on Neopets


aBisto, I think


Nicoled (?)

Vinter_Sol on Neopets
Cupcakecatie on Neopets
Talausa (?)




 Slender and grey,

She likes fresh-cut hay,

She has long ears,

But they have no tears.

She has violet eyes,

It seems she cries,

Her face is sad,

When she is bad.

She wears a Jester coat

A Ghoskerscarf about her throat

She's painted Grey,

And lives in a rainy day.

A haunted tree,

Makes her want to flee,

A scary house,

She feels like a mouse

She can be a scardey-cat,

Withdrawn from her pack,

But she's not weak,

Though somewhat meek.


Not sure whom by.

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